Wednesday 11 November 2015

Supporting the old and building the new

It's August 2014

We arrive at The Fleepit to find metal props holding up the rafters.

The ceiling was removed during the asbestos removal and since then we've been happily sitting under the unsupported beams. This is slightly unnerving but nobody died so let's move on... 

In this photo you can see where the RSJ is going to be installed. A couple of breeze blocks have been removed from this corner and the opposing one. Load-bearing slabs have been added to provide beds for the RSJ.

And here's the RSJ, resting on it's bed with the rafters resting on the lower lip. Our extension roof is now supported across the gap! Phew!

The stud walls inside the external walls are next to go up, including the new bathroom walls.

Studding in bedroom
Open plan Loo

Although the cistern has had to be removed, the WC is still usable with the aid of a bucket of water, assuming one is prepared to risk someone peering through the windows. It's not line-of-sight to anywhere public, but still...

Time for the plumbing and electric first fix.

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